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Magno Wooden Radio

It was in 2006 when Oliver discovered a single wooden radio at the Jakarta Fair. He wanted to take one home, but Singgih told him, that at first he needs to know about his opinion towards design and ecology. The following one year of discussion and getting to know each other (via email and skype) had an enormous impact on us: We learned about producing a hand-crafted radio in a surrounding that is often known worldwide for mass production at doubtful conditions. This is why we are proud to be responsible for the distribution of a unique design-product with a unique production-philosophy in regard to people and environment. We started to use our european network for supporting eco-orientated designers and their projects in 2010. We slowly increase the range of our products in the future. Awards: · Brit Design Award, United Kingdom · Design Plus Award, Germany · Good Design Award/G-Mark, Japan · International Design Resource Award Seattle, USA · Indonesia Good Design Selection Awards Thanks to a new collaboration with famous audio manufacturer, in the last year, the designer developed a new technological interface for the radios that doubled the quality of the speakers and also decided to implement a digital radio receiver due to simplify the receiving of the frequency. He also created a new version of its iconic IKONO radio, the IKONO ++ with more different types of wood (pine, rosewood & Teak)

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